Part B - Man's Health Destroyers
10. Vaccines
a) International Medical Council on Vaccination refutes vaccine propaganda with myth-busting report
b) Vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (Ischemia), Chronic Illness, Disease and Death for us all
c) WARNING! Vaccines are producing pandemics! WAKE UP!
d) Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated
e) Expert Explains the Flu Vaccine Deception and the Swine Flu Hoax
f) Autism Rate Now at One Percent of All US Children?
g) World Association for Vaccine Education
h) Medalerts - Providing Online Access to the VAERS Database
i) ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute
j) Vaccination Liberation
k) Vaccine Truth
l) Vaccine-Induced Disease - ‘They’ Have Done it Before, Are They Doing in Again?
m) Proof That Thimerosal Induces Autism-Like Neurotoxicity
n) Were Tainted Vaccines a Conspiracy to Provoke a Pandemic?
o) Endeavor Freedom - Vaccines
p) Is Toxic Mercury Exposure Ruining Your Life?
q) A Dragon by the Tail
r) Age of Autism
s) Vaccine Induced Diseases
t) National Vaccine Information Center
u) Vaccine Failure -- Over 1000 Got Mumps in NY in Last Six Months
11. Patented Prescription Drugs
a) Nearly all drug trials scientifically invalid due to influence of the mind; Big Pharma science dissolves into wishful thinking
b) Why You Can't Trust Drug Companies
c) Paxil Birth Defect Trial: Battle of the Experts
d) Scientists May Have Uncovered Why Antidepressants Cause Suicidal Behavior
e) Reviewers say get rid of Avandia
f) High-dose Zocor raises kidney and muscle risk
g) Dangers of Prescription Drugs
h) Antidepressant-Induced Violence, Suicide & Bizarre Behaviour
i) Adverse drug reactions
j) Ritalin Side Effects Now Include Sudden Death
k) "Prescription : Suicide?", A Film by Robert Manciero
l) Anatomy of an Epidemic - Psychiatric Drugs and Mental Illness
m) Report adverse drug reactions to the FDA
n) Prescription drug information
o) Drug Overdosing: How to Avoid Medication Side Effects
p) Medicines out of Control?
q) Recreational Drugs FAR Less Likely to Kill You than Prescribed Drugs!
r) Health insurance coverage problems
s) Psychiatric Harm and Its Drug Induced Diseases
t) Drugs in your drinking water
u) Prescription Drug Addictions
12. The modern health care system
a) Modern Health Care System is the Leading Cause of Death
b) Psychiatric diagnostic manual editor reveals emperor has no clothes
c) Rogue Kidney Brokers in The U.S. Sell Black Market Organs for Transplantation
d) Study Finds Illness, Medical Bills Root Cause of Majority Of U.S. Bankruptcies
e) Doctors in training taught to physically violate unconscious patients (explicit)
f) Doctors Give Rat Poison to Heart Patients for Fifty Years
g) Doctor wrote 1,000 scripts/week
h) Doctor-Caused Disease
i) Prescription Drug Abuse and Youth
j) Injury added to insult: Dyes injected for imaging are more dangerous than the MRIs
13. Drug/vaccine producers and researchers
a) Pfizer's Strong-arm Tactics to Cover up Deaths of Innocent Children
b) GlaxoSmithKline deliberately hid evidence of Avandia harm, says Senate report
c) Avandia defenders’ financial ties questioned
d) Pfizer pleads guilty to felony crime in fraudulent marketing of Bextra, pays billions in fines
e) Pfizer Hid Evidence That HRT Causes Cancer
f) Pfizer caught in yet more science fraud:
Company altered study findings for Neurontin drug
g) Tamiflu anti-viral drug revealed as complete hoax; Roche studies based on scientific fraud
h) Vaccine Doctor Given at Least $30 Million Dollars to Push Vaccines
i) Central Figure in Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2 Million
j) Pharmaceutical Giant Paid $500,000 to Psychiatrist Who Used Chicago's Poor as Guinea Pigs
k) Vaccine Studies: Under the Influence of Pharma
l) Attorney General Lockyer Sues 39 Major Drug Companies
m) Prescribing A Placebo
n) Why Do Pharmaceutical Drugs Injure and Kill?
o) Alliance for Human Research Protection
p) Information on clinical research in human volunteers
q) False diseases
r) Corruption
14. Government involvement
a) Who Says Drug Companies Are “Too Big to Nail,” Even When Charged with Felonies?
b) U.S. Government Starts its Own Drug Company
c) Former high-level Bush financial insider says “swine flu” vaccine part of depopulation agenda
d) Farewell to the Delaney Amendment
e) Banned in 160 Nations… Yet U.S. FDA Regards it as Safe?
f) VA won't pay benefits to Marine injured by vaccine
g) Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations
h) Scientist: FDA Suppressed CT Scan Radiation Risks
i) Legal Immunity Set for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers
j) Aloe Vera: FDA Shut Down a Surprisingly Effective Natural Cancer Cure
k) Medicating Our Kids to Death
l) Court ordered removal of child from parents custody for refusing radiation
m) Conflicts of Interest in FDA Drug Approvals
n) WHO Adviser Conceals a Donation of Millions from a Pharmaceutical Company
o) Forced drugging of citizens
p) Protect Your Children Against Screening - the PPRA
q) A Parent's right to refuse psychological services and evaluations forced by schools
r) Refuse mandatory mental health screening
15. Government persecution of competitors to pharmaceutical drug companies
a) Stop FDA Censorship
b) The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine
c) Miracle Cancer Cure the FDA Does Not Want You to Have!
d) Cancer Cover-Up
e) Save Our Supplements
16. The United Nations, the WTO, the WHO, the Codex Alimentarius Commission, and the FTAA
a) Journalist Accuses WHO of Plan to Commit Mass Murder
b) WHO Admits to Releasing Pandemic Virus into Population via 'Mock-Up' Vaccines
c) In-Depth Codex Alimentarius Information
d) America and the United Nations
e) NeoCon Global Government
f) Bowing and Scraping for the WTO
g) Congressman Paul's Statement on Dietary Supplement Regulation and Research
h) Codex - by Dr. Jonathan V. Wright
i) International Advocates for Health Freedom
j) National Health Freedom Coalition
k) "We Become Silent" Video Exposes the Dangers of Free Trade and Codex
l) Press Release - CODEX Adventures in Ottawa
17. Nutrient Deficiencies
a) Minerals
b) Sabbath of the Land
c) Vitamins
d) Omega-3 deficiency causes 96,000 US deaths per year, say researchers
e) North American Kelp
f) Soil Depletion
18. Food additives, etc.
a) Chlorine
b) Fluoride
c) Bromide
d) MSG
e) Manganese in Soy Infant Formula
f) High-Fructose Corn Syrup (Corn Sugar)
g) Aspartame
h) Refined Sugar
i) Agave
j) Melamine
k) Artificial Hormones
l) Caffeine
m) Food Colorings
n) FDA Food Additive Database
o) Why McDonald's Happy Meal hamburgers won't decompose
19. Animal Products
a) Dairy
b) Beef
c) Pork
20. Tobacco
21. Cosmetics Database
22. Household Products Database
23. Processed and packaged "foods"
a) Genetically Modified "Food"
b) Soy Products
c) Bleached Flour
d) Hydrogenated Oils
e) Pasteurized Cow Milk
f) Margarine
g) Chemical Threat in Plastics?
24. Beverages
a) Alcoholic
b) Soft Drinks
c) Food and Digestion - The Reason You Should NEVER Drink Cold Drinks
The author of this website is not a medical doctor. The information presented here is for educational purposes only. See your health care professional if you have any health issues.
Copyright (c) 2006-2012. All Rights Reserved.
10. Vaccines
a) International Medical Council on Vaccination refutes vaccine propaganda with myth-busting report
b) Vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (Ischemia), Chronic Illness, Disease and Death for us all
c) WARNING! Vaccines are producing pandemics! WAKE UP!
d) Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated
e) Expert Explains the Flu Vaccine Deception and the Swine Flu Hoax
f) Autism Rate Now at One Percent of All US Children?
g) World Association for Vaccine Education
h) Medalerts - Providing Online Access to the VAERS Database
i) ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute
j) Vaccination Liberation
k) Vaccine Truth
l) Vaccine-Induced Disease - ‘They’ Have Done it Before, Are They Doing in Again?
m) Proof That Thimerosal Induces Autism-Like Neurotoxicity
n) Were Tainted Vaccines a Conspiracy to Provoke a Pandemic?
o) Endeavor Freedom - Vaccines
p) Is Toxic Mercury Exposure Ruining Your Life?
q) A Dragon by the Tail
r) Age of Autism
s) Vaccine Induced Diseases
t) National Vaccine Information Center
u) Vaccine Failure -- Over 1000 Got Mumps in NY in Last Six Months
11. Patented Prescription Drugs
a) Nearly all drug trials scientifically invalid due to influence of the mind; Big Pharma science dissolves into wishful thinking
b) Why You Can't Trust Drug Companies
c) Paxil Birth Defect Trial: Battle of the Experts
d) Scientists May Have Uncovered Why Antidepressants Cause Suicidal Behavior
e) Reviewers say get rid of Avandia
f) High-dose Zocor raises kidney and muscle risk
g) Dangers of Prescription Drugs
h) Antidepressant-Induced Violence, Suicide & Bizarre Behaviour
i) Adverse drug reactions
j) Ritalin Side Effects Now Include Sudden Death
k) "Prescription : Suicide?", A Film by Robert Manciero
l) Anatomy of an Epidemic - Psychiatric Drugs and Mental Illness
m) Report adverse drug reactions to the FDA
n) Prescription drug information
o) Drug Overdosing: How to Avoid Medication Side Effects
p) Medicines out of Control?
q) Recreational Drugs FAR Less Likely to Kill You than Prescribed Drugs!
r) Health insurance coverage problems
s) Psychiatric Harm and Its Drug Induced Diseases
t) Drugs in your drinking water
u) Prescription Drug Addictions
12. The modern health care system
a) Modern Health Care System is the Leading Cause of Death
b) Psychiatric diagnostic manual editor reveals emperor has no clothes
c) Rogue Kidney Brokers in The U.S. Sell Black Market Organs for Transplantation
d) Study Finds Illness, Medical Bills Root Cause of Majority Of U.S. Bankruptcies
e) Doctors in training taught to physically violate unconscious patients (explicit)
f) Doctors Give Rat Poison to Heart Patients for Fifty Years
g) Doctor wrote 1,000 scripts/week
h) Doctor-Caused Disease
i) Prescription Drug Abuse and Youth
j) Injury added to insult: Dyes injected for imaging are more dangerous than the MRIs
13. Drug/vaccine producers and researchers
a) Pfizer's Strong-arm Tactics to Cover up Deaths of Innocent Children
b) GlaxoSmithKline deliberately hid evidence of Avandia harm, says Senate report
c) Avandia defenders’ financial ties questioned
d) Pfizer pleads guilty to felony crime in fraudulent marketing of Bextra, pays billions in fines
e) Pfizer Hid Evidence That HRT Causes Cancer
f) Pfizer caught in yet more science fraud:
Company altered study findings for Neurontin drug
g) Tamiflu anti-viral drug revealed as complete hoax; Roche studies based on scientific fraud
h) Vaccine Doctor Given at Least $30 Million Dollars to Push Vaccines
i) Central Figure in Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2 Million
j) Pharmaceutical Giant Paid $500,000 to Psychiatrist Who Used Chicago's Poor as Guinea Pigs
k) Vaccine Studies: Under the Influence of Pharma
l) Attorney General Lockyer Sues 39 Major Drug Companies
m) Prescribing A Placebo
n) Why Do Pharmaceutical Drugs Injure and Kill?
o) Alliance for Human Research Protection
p) Information on clinical research in human volunteers
q) False diseases
r) Corruption
14. Government involvement
a) Who Says Drug Companies Are “Too Big to Nail,” Even When Charged with Felonies?
b) U.S. Government Starts its Own Drug Company
c) Former high-level Bush financial insider says “swine flu” vaccine part of depopulation agenda
d) Farewell to the Delaney Amendment
e) Banned in 160 Nations… Yet U.S. FDA Regards it as Safe?
f) VA won't pay benefits to Marine injured by vaccine
g) Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations
h) Scientist: FDA Suppressed CT Scan Radiation Risks
i) Legal Immunity Set for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers
j) Aloe Vera: FDA Shut Down a Surprisingly Effective Natural Cancer Cure
k) Medicating Our Kids to Death
l) Court ordered removal of child from parents custody for refusing radiation
m) Conflicts of Interest in FDA Drug Approvals
n) WHO Adviser Conceals a Donation of Millions from a Pharmaceutical Company
o) Forced drugging of citizens
p) Protect Your Children Against Screening - the PPRA
q) A Parent's right to refuse psychological services and evaluations forced by schools
r) Refuse mandatory mental health screening
15. Government persecution of competitors to pharmaceutical drug companies
a) Stop FDA Censorship
b) The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine
c) Miracle Cancer Cure the FDA Does Not Want You to Have!
d) Cancer Cover-Up
e) Save Our Supplements
16. The United Nations, the WTO, the WHO, the Codex Alimentarius Commission, and the FTAA
a) Journalist Accuses WHO of Plan to Commit Mass Murder
b) WHO Admits to Releasing Pandemic Virus into Population via 'Mock-Up' Vaccines
c) In-Depth Codex Alimentarius Information
d) America and the United Nations
e) NeoCon Global Government
f) Bowing and Scraping for the WTO
g) Congressman Paul's Statement on Dietary Supplement Regulation and Research
h) Codex - by Dr. Jonathan V. Wright
i) International Advocates for Health Freedom
j) National Health Freedom Coalition
k) "We Become Silent" Video Exposes the Dangers of Free Trade and Codex
l) Press Release - CODEX Adventures in Ottawa
17. Nutrient Deficiencies
a) Minerals
b) Sabbath of the Land
c) Vitamins
d) Omega-3 deficiency causes 96,000 US deaths per year, say researchers
e) North American Kelp
f) Soil Depletion
18. Food additives, etc.
a) Chlorine
b) Fluoride
c) Bromide
d) MSG
e) Manganese in Soy Infant Formula
f) High-Fructose Corn Syrup (Corn Sugar)
g) Aspartame
h) Refined Sugar
i) Agave
j) Melamine
k) Artificial Hormones
l) Caffeine
m) Food Colorings
n) FDA Food Additive Database
o) Why McDonald's Happy Meal hamburgers won't decompose
19. Animal Products
a) Dairy
b) Beef
c) Pork
20. Tobacco
21. Cosmetics Database
22. Household Products Database
23. Processed and packaged "foods"
a) Genetically Modified "Food"
b) Soy Products
c) Bleached Flour
d) Hydrogenated Oils
e) Pasteurized Cow Milk
f) Margarine
g) Chemical Threat in Plastics?
24. Beverages
a) Alcoholic
b) Soft Drinks
c) Food and Digestion - The Reason You Should NEVER Drink Cold Drinks
The author of this website is not a medical doctor. The information presented here is for educational purposes only. See your health care professional if you have any health issues.
Copyright (c) 2006-2012. All Rights Reserved.