Please save this email for future reference.
Go to www.2sav.net where you will find a number of resources,
practical tips, utilities, etc.
Follow the instructions below if you would like to participate in the
PAL program's tax-exempt cash gift option.
Tax-exempt cash gifts for Personal Advocates for Liberty
1. All participants in this program are encouraged to maintain
complete documentation for any gifts which they receive or
2. On a blank sheet of paper, print the current date, your name
and address, and the note "Here is my gift to you, PAL."
Then, sign your name.
3. Fold it around a $5 bill and mail it to a PAL named below.
Print your return address on the envelope to insure delivery.
Send cash only, no checks or money orders.
a. If your birthday is between January 1 and June 30, mail it
R. J. Myers
P. O. Box 3310
Johnson City, TN 37602
b. If your birthday is between July 1 and December 31, mail
it to:
Dr. Ron Paul
P. O. Box 104
Lake Jackson, TX 77566
4. Edit these instructions by replacing the name and address of
the recipient of your gift with your own name and address.
5. To receive your tax-free cash gifts, save a copy of the newly
revised instructions and refer other patriots, relatives, and
friends to the www.2sav.com link. Send these instructions
to those who request FREE gifts and complete details.
6. Save the name and address of the recipient of your gift, as
future contributions may be made on about the same date
each year.
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” -- Wendell Phillips
Sample email to introduce others to the PAL Program
Subject: Calling ALL patriots to save our nation!
Email Body:
Thanks and God Bless!
R. J. Myers
[email protected]
(Edit this message with your name, email address, etc.)
If you no longer wish to receive email from this address, please reply with REMOVE in the subject line and your email address will be omitted. Thank you.
Copyright (c) 2006-2012. All Rights Reserved.
Please save this email for future reference.
Go to www.2sav.net where you will find a number of resources,
practical tips, utilities, etc.
Follow the instructions below if you would like to participate in the
PAL program's tax-exempt cash gift option.
Tax-exempt cash gifts for Personal Advocates for Liberty
1. All participants in this program are encouraged to maintain
complete documentation for any gifts which they receive or
2. On a blank sheet of paper, print the current date, your name
and address, and the note "Here is my gift to you, PAL."
Then, sign your name.
3. Fold it around a $5 bill and mail it to a PAL named below.
Print your return address on the envelope to insure delivery.
Send cash only, no checks or money orders.
a. If your birthday is between January 1 and June 30, mail it
R. J. Myers
P. O. Box 3310
Johnson City, TN 37602
b. If your birthday is between July 1 and December 31, mail
it to:
Dr. Ron Paul
P. O. Box 104
Lake Jackson, TX 77566
4. Edit these instructions by replacing the name and address of
the recipient of your gift with your own name and address.
5. To receive your tax-free cash gifts, save a copy of the newly
revised instructions and refer other patriots, relatives, and
friends to the www.2sav.com link. Send these instructions
to those who request FREE gifts and complete details.
6. Save the name and address of the recipient of your gift, as
future contributions may be made on about the same date
each year.
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” -- Wendell Phillips
Sample email to introduce others to the PAL Program
Subject: Calling ALL patriots to save our nation!
Email Body:
Thanks and God Bless!
R. J. Myers
[email protected]
(Edit this message with your name, email address, etc.)
If you no longer wish to receive email from this address, please reply with REMOVE in the subject line and your email address will be omitted. Thank you.
Copyright (c) 2006-2012. All Rights Reserved.